
A girl that deep love and passion with cooking, taking photos, writing blog, reading and chatting in facebook... Without learning from mistake, I will never be who I am now... Just relax and enjoy reading my blog... :)...

Love you allz always... Muahhhss

Thursday, January 28, 2010

a day after back to work

assalamualaikum... feeling abit different when i'm back to work... today, as usual, i'm clearing my email as i cann't access the system yet... cuma kadang2 tu tolong diana buat keje.. kesian pulak dia.. jadi mini assistant tuk dia.. but call and reminder to rm.. he he he... tadi lunch ngan sheena kat secret receipe.. i ate spaghetti balognies and sheena took back paper chicken with rice.. lot's to catchup with her... tup tap tup tap she is now pregnant 6 months.. alahaii my cute cousin nie... dah rezeki dia.. sure dia n hubby happy n counting days for the big moments... as a sister and cousin, i always pray for her happiness.. happy for her too... tu yg makan tadi sampai lupa nak call zam for lunch time!! he he he he.. alamak!! tak ade idea laa... nie maybe cause line lag.. otak pun tepu la... he he he muahhss... wasalam.

i'm back to work

assalamualaikum... my life is back as usual effective 25 Jan 10... :) yesterday, i'm back to work again!!.. tot to want write something in the blog after back to home.. tapi macam biasa la... hangat2 si taik itik... dah kalah ngan keletihan yg teramat sangat... sebelum kul 12 midnite dah zzzzzzzzzz.... yesterday morning, I went to work with diana... doing car pool with her till 19 feb before I go for the next round of iui.. alhamdulillah she is friendly, caring, "sekepala" n staying near by my home area... now every day, I can follow her to work and back home on her cute black myvi... best gak naik myvi.. rasa comel aje macam penumpang dia.. he he he...yesterday morning, soon as i arrived to the office, i felt like celebrity... mana taknya, semua yang nampak mesti tegur... siap kata miss u la lisa.. ade tu siap peluk2 lagi.. huhh, touching pun ade... may be this is what we call friendship... friend for happy and friend for sad... only yang tak syok is with my bos... langsung tak cakap ape...muka "bonyok" mak aii... tah laa... malas nak cite panjang ngan dia.. lantak hang la... ade aku kisah!!!! then, lunch time kat subway with suzie and diana kat avenue k... bestnyaa makanan roti permesan cheese bread ngan roasted beef... sedap gilosss... sebelum balik opis, stop by kat kedai buah... beli la 3 buah delima plus 250gm buah cheery from new zealand.. sekali bila tukang jual tu kata semua total rm56.. terkejut... nasib baik duit cukup2.. kalu dak ade yg kena tolak balik buah tu.. tak ke malu.. he he he... moral value of the story make sure sebelum nak beli barang at least dlm purse kena ade rm100.. kalu nak save, bawak credit card.. tak cukup bole zasssssssss... he he he... one funny thing yesterday evening is before nak balik tu, nampak la si suzie tengah "perang" broadcast ngan anita... siap use keyword.. "jumpa kat kedai bunga".. "dah jom"... "sat".. hishh.. terasa iman nie tergugat gak.. sekali ngan muka tak malunya terus call suzie.. wey, korang nak gi mana nie?? nak ikuttttt... nasib baik member kata OK... kalu dia KO.. maunya meronta2 depan pc... so, kami berlima - me, diana, suzie, anita and paris heading to white house coffee kat ampang park... rupanya peja n maryam n her hubby dah ade kat sana.. memula tu tak mo makan just nak minum ais chocolate.. sekali bila tengah member order roti bakar and nasik lemak.. terliurnyaa.. terus order spring roll.. suzie pun tambah side order hotdog... nyam nyam...then balik umah, dinner pulak ngan abah... my menu semalam daging masak kicap.. nape tak perut tak bapa baik sangat.. kejap2 sakit.. nothing much to story.. cuma lepak2 and sembang ngan hubby.. tlepas tu terus kbommm.. kalu bom meletup pun tak dengar kot... what a day... :) wasalam

Sunday, January 24, 2010

the weekend...

assalamualaikum... today, it's sunday... as usual, lepas bangun pagi, i will go to kubur with abah... then, bought breakfast at hidayah.. today's menu roti canai dua keping with sardin and dalca... sedappp.. bak kata org makan tak ingat dunie... then, make a wake up call to zam at 10.30am... biasa la hubby nie.. bila time cuti bgn lambat... cian pulak nak nagged dia awal2.. dah la balik lewat semalam... kasi can laa... after, he had breakfast, we went to wangsa walk... emm.. it's a beautiful shopping center... decoration dia lawa... teringat masa kat tassie... shopping center ikut style mat salleh... tak tinggi but a long shopping complex... ade byk kedai makan like fast food and asian cuisine, bowling center, fitness center and macam3 lagi... tgif pun ade la... syoknyaaa... before balik, lepak sat kat georgetown white coffee... wah!! macam jadi org kaya pulak.. he he he... oklah ais kopi dia pun sedap... terasa byk susu then kopi... will come again there to try other menus... lunch tadi, tapau food from sari ratu... abg bought ayam goreng bumbu, sotong gulai, kailan goreng, sambal cili hijau, and terung masak cili... me as usual never missed my eis avocado... sedapp... we eat at home as abah tak mo makan kat sana.. katanya rice sana mahal... imagine... per plate rm1.50... zam pun agreed... alahaiii suami dan abah ku nie... i'm writing this blog using the computer in my hubby's office... just to accompany zam to finish his work in the office... kesian pulak dia weekend pun kena turun office.. this is all because his uncivilise and unhuman boss.. ade ke bagi job on saturday at 11.30am which due date by monday morning... halooo.. saturday kan org keje sampai kul 1pm aje... sunday kan off day... tak ade otak betul... IQ zeroooooooo.... what he mean is may be he wants zam has to stay back during weekend to finish the book project with 50 pages... haiyooo... ape laa... sabo aje nie...  nie yg terasa nak sumpah dia jadi sesumpah!!!!!... eeee geramnyaaaaa... malam nie pulak dinner plan kat restaurant kayu lagi.. rasanya abah dah "high" abis kat kedai nie.. he he he he... semalam dinner we tapau nasik minyak and ayam masak merah from there too... tonite, dia plan nak makan roti naan ngan ayam tandoori.. aiyooo... macam2 abah nie... kang cakap gemuk kang kecik ati pulak... lepas tu tak kasi dia makan cian pulak... hishhh.. susah gak nak jadi anak solehah niekan... ewahhhh.... oklah.. nak setop writing nie... nak main games kat fb sat before heading back to home... abag, jom la balik dah kul 7.10pm nie... takut la duduk kat opis lama2... jom laaaa.... wasalammm..

after 9th day......

assalamualaikum... hello... i'm back again... argh!!!!! again, my laziness managed to control me.. bak org tue2 kata hangat2 si taik ayam... he he he he... i really don't know why i have been quite lazy and not active after doc told me about my miscarrige... sometimes i do feel body aching, back ache and uneasy.... may be this is one of the reason i have no mood to write... emm.. i think i have to do something to give me some motivated to write in this blog....  we should do it if we feel happy with it right?? yes, lisa can do it!!!!! last saturday, hubby was not well.. gotten a slight flu... i tot nie mesti tak bole pi jalan nie.... alahaiii... buringnyaa duduk rumah... sekali that evening, after having tea together, he asked "nak pi bagan lalang tak??" ... huhh biar benor org tue nie... he he he... mestilah kite jawab YES, nak piiiiiiiiii... so, that evening after maghrib, we went to bagan lalang with zam's brother, atan and family... atan's sister in law with family also came along.. meeting them at sepang before heading to bagan lalang... about 12 of us including 2 small kids (below 2 years old) having a nice and wonderful dinner... we had sotong masak tepung, udang masak tepung, kailan goreng, cencaru bakar sumbat, ikan siakap masak stim, ketam masak masam manis and kupang masak cili.. together with the dishes, we had nasik puteh and 4 jags (2 each) of air sirap and fresh oren... total was around RM300tt... okey la tu.. kirenya macam eat till you kebontang laa... we arrived there around 9.30pm and heading back to kl around 11.45pm.. sampai rumah at 1am terus bommm... tido sampai tak ingat dunia... still remember what one of my close friend, chin like to say... sleep like a pig!!.. he he he... then, the next sunday, we had a family gathering... again, we did have a good makan.... mana la tak gemuk???  my 2 darling aunties from gombak and seremban came to our home with her son and family... also there, my 2 cousins, rezal and hanisah... i fried sotong masak tepung and ayam goreng... suzie cooked nasi puteh and sayur kacang pjg goreng... then abah and zam bought kari ikan from kayu's restaurant... air rub bir cordial... mak teh brought sayur campur cap cai... then, the dessert were pau kacang merah and popia... nyam nyam.... only in the evening, my aunty's daughter (the one from seremban) came with her hubby and my lovely cousin, reena came to our home... although tired, we did have a great time together.. hope we could have this makan2 again... actually nothing much to story about last monday till yesterday... as usual, zam is busy with his worked.. somtimes we managed to eat dinner together.. but mostly, he only took his dinner around 11pm... takat nak teman makan tu bole la... tapi nak makan sama2 tak mampu den... lapoooo sangat.. one more thing... syukur sangat yg bengkak kat leher suzie dah mula surut... did went for followup check up on sat's morning at the same clinic... doc confirmed that she don't have TB or any other serious sickness... alahmdulillah... she is soo happy... keluar2 clinic aje terus ajak beli bawang... hishh, makcik nie... tadi nampak lembik aje kat clinic... sekali bila doc kata ok.. keluar clinic senyum aje... seronot la tu... pegi kedai pun macam2 nak beli... biarkan asal dia bahagia sudah laa.... he he he he.... no idea laa... chowww.. wasalam

Friday, January 15, 2010

the 4th times....

assalamualaikum.... yesterday my day was ok in the morning... i cooked asam pedas ikan merah and labu masak lemak for him... nothing much to do... after cooking, i rest till lunch time... no mood to play games in fb... i'm so worried about on my checkup.... my doc appointment was at 5pm... i called the cab at 4.15pm and the taxi driver drived slowly to hukm... alhamdulillah, my hubby managed to go to the doc together with me as he drove from work in bangi... when i told doc about my spotting and bleeding, he is un happy... he told me that his aimed is no more miscarrige from me in coming... he checked me via scan and confirmed that i had my recurrent abortion again... this is because there is a thin white line on my ovum... ya allah, this is my 4th times having miscarrige... hanya allah yg tahu macam mana perasaan ini pada masa tu... hubby this asked him why this always occured... he told us that may be the inside of my body is too hot.. that's why the fetus cann't stay long... the most is 5 months... my doc claimed that he is still searching ways on how to handle me... ya allah, aku redha dengan ape yang terjadi padaku... ampunlah dosa-dosaku ya allah... ya allah, berilah sehat tubuh badan ku agar aku dapat mengandung tanpa menghadapi kepayahan... aminn..... doc's next plan is for me to do my iui again by next month... yesterday, he prescribed me some more medicines... metaformin, fomera and diane... he told my hubby and i to be patient.... insyallah kalu ade rezeki tu adalah... ya allah, berilah aku kekuatan ya allah... berilah aku ketabahan untuk menghadapi semua ini... when i think back... i know that during my last iui procedure, i have to go through lots of obstacles.... abah demam denggi... atuk sakit kat hospital... suzie bengkak di tekak... ya allah, semua yang aku sayang dan risau sangat bila dia org sakit... ape pun, i will never blame to anyone... to me, nie semua allah yang tentukan... bak kata zam.. ape yang berlaku hanya allah yang tahu.. kite sebagai hambanya kena terima dengan ikhlas... insyallah kalu kite buat semua dengan ikhlas, satu hari allah akan balas... insyallah.. aminn... that's all for now... will write more soon....

Thursday, January 14, 2010

yesterday and today.....

assalamulaikum... nothing much i could share about yesterday on what i have done... as usual, morning i played all games in fb.. around 11.30am, i cooked for family.. yesterday menu - daging masak kicap... other dishes like ikan goreng and taugeh goreng is cooked by my servant... then, i countined playing the games till lunch time (make sure taking shower before eating)... after having rest an hour and praying, i countined playing games again till tea time... rest again to watch tv3 akasia drama - cinta balqis before i continue playing till dinner... while my servant busy preparing the dinner, she told me that she is worried of herself... a few days before she realised there is a swelling near her throat... huhh... when i asked her, r u in pain? she says "NO"... but she keep "pestering" me to give a definite answer on what happen to her... she keep on asking why and how could this happen... hey, how do i know!!! alamakk, i'm not a doctor laaa.... i cann't stand till i say.." suzie, pls la jgn kasi saya stress... kamu duduk depan kejap ya.. nanti bila bapak pulang kite pegi clinic".. i felt sorry for her as she he so panic... i cann't deny that i'm also panic... :]... alhamdulillah, abah back from surau 10 minutes later... i explained to abah and asked him to drive us to clinic mutiara in bukit indah.... all the way from home to clinic, again my servant keep on repeating, talking and asking what has actually happen to her... she is sooo worry if she cann't work anymore... alahaiii, dia nie... terlalu obsess sampai buat semua panic and stress... doc has confirmed that suzie's gland is swelling... there's 2 possibilities, it's either due to bacteria or tuberculosis (batuk kering).... for now, doc prescribe antibiotic. mineral and pain killer to treat the swelling... however, if the swelling getting worse after a week, we then need to refer her to the hospital..... dugaan dugaan... today, the swelling on her neck has a bit improved.. on that she feel her neck a bit sprain... aiyooo.... tapi macam nie still degil tu.. ade ke makan obat tanpa makan?? hishhh... sabo aje leeeeeeeeee arghhh... stress la macam nie... mana nak pikir kesihatan abah and keje zam... then, now have to think about suzie's condition... haiyoooo... what can i do is berzikir byk2... dada nie dah tahan sabo... kalu tak tahan dah pecah dah... arghhhh... today at 5pm, i'm having my doc's appoint at hukm... i may get my result on my iui procedures that i did on 4 dec 09.... hope the answer is +ve.... insyallah... ya allah.. tolonglah hamba mu nie... alamak... suddenly otak blank bila pikir pasal petang nie.. opss.. sowee... just wait for my next sharing ya.... take care... wasalam

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

my day to day

assalamualaikum.... em... just realize that i have not been writing quite sometimes... the last was on last monday... lately i bit busy with personal and family life... although i'm housewife for 3 months, (as planned) i still have a lot of agenda to do... cooking, playing games in fb, calling aunties and accompany dad going here and there... last 2 week, my family and i went back to jb to spend time with grandpa and my 2 aunties... then last week, we when back to jb again.. this round is because there tahlil and doa selamat for the whole family... although, feeling a bit tired, but still i enjoyed myself... not only happy gathering with uncles, aunties and cousins... but also soooo touched when cousins and aunties "pampered" me with good and delicious food... mana la tak gemuk?? he he he... for the last 10 days, i'm a bit worried with myself... got spotting and bleeding.. it is not much... only when i urine, i can see a thin string of blood.. sometime red.. sometime chocolate colour... emmm... i did rush to O & G emergency when it's still spotting after a week... i feel a bit relief when the MO doc told me that just patient and have plenty of rest... the spotting / bleeding has 2 possiblity.. either pregnancy is slowly develop or miscarriage... i'm praying hard for tomorrow ( 14/1 appointment with prof. hashim)... hope for the good news... ya allah, tolong lah hambamu nie... ampunlah segala dosa ku... kurniakanlah aku zuriat ya allah... aminnnn... yesterday evening, as i'm looking at one of my cousin's profile in fb, i suddenly noted that she has a blog... huh!! terror nie... i never know... once i read it, i'm so amazed.... she not only sharing some interesting stories but she is soooo cute funny... reena, keep writing.. keep this good job!! kak lisa soo proud of you!!! your are my inspiration... :) my aim now is to write in my blog everyday starting today.. may be this is the best way to "pour out" what i feel... do wait for more stories soon... :) wasalam

Monday, January 4, 2010

Harapan di tahun baru...

assalamualaikum... cepat betul masa berjalan... tup tap tup tap dah masuk tahun 2010.. rasanye ade yang diplan tuk buat 2009 pun belum 100% achieve.. nampak gayanya kena carry forward la ya... actually banyak nak buat dalam tahun 2010... ape pun, i need to take step by step.... kang nanti org kata yang di kejar tak dapat, yang dikendong keciciran.. ewahhh... :P this year, i harap dan doa banyak2 moga allah murahkanlah rezeki kami sekeluarga... biarlah this year bole ade zuriat after trying to do iui on 4 dec 2009... frankly for the last 3.5 weeks, everthing look ok... alhamdulillah no bleeding... cuma start on 2 jan tilll 4 jan ade bleeding and spotting sikit2... hopefully nie beleeding cause janin tu nak melekat kat rahim... minta2 la for the best.... i really hoping so much to get baby soon.. at least selain buat zam happy, bole la ade teman buat abah kat umah nanti.. kalu dak, sunyi sepi aje umah... ya allah, aku memohon padamu ya allah... semoga kau berilah aku zuriat yang sempurna, soleh dan sehat.. tolonglah hambamu ini ya allah... aminnn... selain tu, semoga allah panjangkan umur dan sehatkan tubuh badan kami sekeluarga... me n zam nak buat abah happy selalu... cukuplah selama nie abah sedey dan kecewa ngan perangai seorang yang bernama anak lelaki... selama nie abahdan mak sayang sangat dia.... tapi akhirnya dia saman abah sebab nak harta arwah mak... tak pernah lawat kubur mak... tabur fintah kat me and abah... selain tu, kurang ajar dan derhaka pada abah.. sampai sekarang masih lagi nak berdendam ngan abah sebab nak rebut harta... tah la ape nak jadi dengan orang nie... biarlah allah tunjukkan dia jalan yang benar... semoga satu hari nanti dia akan sedar, tiada siapa yang berkuasa di dunia nie melainkan allah swt.... semoga juga pekerjaan ku dan suami kumendapat berkat dari allah swt... dah masuk 2 bulan unpaid nie rasa syok pulak duduk umah... selain bole rest well, bole concentrate jaga umah n abah... seronot jadi housewife... tapi bila pikir balik, cian pulak zam aje yang keje.. kadang2 tu nak mintak duit dia pun tak sampai hati... dah la kat opis dia byk politic... bukan dia yang bermasalah tapi org2 opis kat dia bermasalah... it's better i don't eleborate much.. kang abis terkuar cite2 yang tak patut kuar... bak kata zam.. i reserved my comment.... think that's all for now... nak gi masak ketam masak lemak n bubur pulut itam... :) wasalam