
A girl that deep love and passion with cooking, taking photos, writing blog, reading and chatting in facebook... Without learning from mistake, I will never be who I am now... Just relax and enjoy reading my blog... :)...

Love you allz always... Muahhhss

Sunday, February 28, 2010

So stress!!!!!

assalamualaikum... today is 29 Feb 2010 @ sunday.. i'm writing this using my hubby's computer in his office... yes, it's weekend but he has to go to work!!! what a pity... it's all not because he did not finish his work... but this is because of there is a stupid and uncivilise person in his office.. just imagine, at 5.30pm today, one of his office mates called him as she need him to ready one designed by tomorrow, monday @ 1 march 2010 early morning... hello... don't you have a brainn!!!!!!! job is given less than 24 hours??? damn it!! for the 1st time ever, i see that my hubby is totally anger.. his face turned to red trying to calm himself.. what i can say is "sabo aje la sayang.. tak sangka ade lagi spesis org bodoh mcm nie tinggal kat bumi nie"... i felt sorry for my hubby... he has to forgone his weekend rest... nape la org nie tak ade otak ya... what i'm sad is we have a family... only weekend is the time that we could spend time together... nie nasib baik tak ade anak lagi.. kalu dak,, kesian baby kite tak bole spend time with abah... mungkin dia tanye "mana abah?? nape abah asyik bz ngan keje?? abah tak cayang adik ke??" alahaiii... mungkin salah satu sebab allah tak kurniakan lagi kami nie anak sebab kesian tengok keadaan kite org yg tak menentu kejenya... usually, only at around 12 midnight,  my hubby will be back home from work... ade tu sampai 2 3 pagi.. ade tu sampai tertido tunggu dia.. ape pun, insyallah i trust him... :) what i cann't believe is the people that he is working with... they never has any consideration... whenever he try to take leave, there will always be a disturb.... ade org nak jumpa la.. bos tak lulus cause katanya selalu amik cuti (padahal tidak pun!!! taip2 tahu cuti bole dicarry forward)... ade urgent job which was given less than 24 hours.. hello!! org nie pun manusia... bukannya robot or hamba abdi!!... tolonglah! dia kan ade family.. pls spare some of our human feeling on him!!! nape la org yg tak buat keje, dia org sanjung.. zam yg buat keje sampai bersengkang buat keje, semua org tindas dia... lain org buat keje, lain org dpt nama... mentang2 la dia tak lawan and tak mahu gaduh... it's important is because my hubby nie bukan type kuat mengampu... so, maybe that's why ape2 dia yg kena.. ya allah, lindungilah keluarga kami... ya allah, janganlah mereka mengapa-apakan kami... berilah kami kekuatan untuk hadapi segala ujian dan rintangan ini.. berilah suami ku ketabahan... to my sayang, bersabo aje la.. insyallah, satu hari nanti semua akan terjawab... mana yang baik mana yang buruk... kite tawakal aje lah dan buat yang terbaik selagi termampu.. selebihnya kite berserah kepada allah swt untuk menentukannya.. rezeki tu ade dimana2... i will always love you forever.. i will always support you in anything you done... my sayang MESTI bole buat punyeee!!!! :)...   wasalam...

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Visit from Peja n Suzi... 26 Feb 2010

assalamulaikum... semalam terima kunjungan hormat dr cik peja n cik suzi.. asalnya plan nak sampai kul 3pm.. tunggu punye tunggu member ku nie sesat... hehehe... lerrr... ciannya... memula kul 3.45pm tu ade call suzi.. tanye kat dia " kau ok ke? tahu jln umah aku tak?" confidentally dia jawab.. "ingat.... dah nak sampai nie lagi 10 minute.. ".. then, dah lebih 10 minute, ade kul 30 minit later, peja call.. "kami kat jalan kenanga.. umah lisa mana yek?? ".. lerrr pilot sesatttt... ciannyee kawan2 ku nie.. nasib baik, dia tahu landmark umah kat tudor court n flat pkns.. so, selamat lah dia org tiba kul 4.30pm... the 2 cute ladies.. peja & suzi... menu hidangan petang is mee goreng (beli kat kedai mat sri wangsa), otak2 goreng n keropok ikan.. awal2 dah sound kat kat the 2 dara's yang kite tak masak cause masak simple tu family aje (menu family - kari sardin, telur dadar n pedal goreng)... alhamdulillah, they enjoyed the food... selain, agenda makan, we chat a lot of things.. sebelum makan tu, suzi tunjukkan gambar yg dia n peja jadi model tuk baju collection from our officemate, john paris.. wowow lawa sangat.. baju ala2 camelia laa.... memang class gitu!!! suzi bilang cost satu dress above RM2,000.00.. huhh!! bak kata kawan zam.. sempat gak telan air liur sat.. hehehehe... mahal tapi memang exclusive.. rasanye vip2 ok kot.. macam kite nie, kalu nak pakai pun tunggu event yg betul2 grand... kalu nak pakai tuk majlis org kawen pun, kena make sure wedding tu kat hotel 5 star above.. dewan2 or rumah tak main laa... wahlaa... nielah pic en paris, the "future" famous designer... masa makan tu, one of the things we share is about our office life.. biasa la kan, makan keje yg tak ade keje... one of my friends always say to me, if there is no more job to be done in the office, it means that it is you last day at work... :)... he he he... betul gak... selain, hal keje, hal officemate satu lagi pulak... ade 1001 ragam... cuba macam mana kite terima n handle people attitude is important... in other words, jgn carik gaduh sudah... we must try to be gentle first.. however, if the situation worse, just try to settle step by step... i think u know what i mean kan??? :)... ok, let put aside cite pasal keje... selain tu, kite cite pasal sihir2 and org terkena buatan... memang tak dinafikan benda2 nie wujud.. cuma kite sebagai umat islam kena senantiasa berdoa pada allah swt supaya kite dilindungi dr syaitan dan anasir2 jahat dan juga syikir... emm, tak mo la comment much on this.. frankly, i'm not good in talking about this... what i can share is a few years ago, something mystic
had happenned to my family.... my late mom has to suffer all the pain till her last breath... who did it?? hanya allah yang mengetahui... ape pun, i believed that allah lebih menyanyangi dia.. biarlah org buat kite, satu hari nanti akan dapat pembalasan org itu dari allah swt... insyallah...
however, the most interesting topic that we discussed is about peja's friend... just name him with mr. H... he he he... this part is where my hubby pulak jadi kauseling pada peja.. what we observed, mr. h likes peja but peja suka2 malu pulak.. hish... budak nie jual mahal pulak... hopefully, with the help from my hubby on his advise, their relation getting sweet each day... peja, just for for it... try to accept him.. i know it takes time for the love to come but don't giveup ya... i agreed when in a relationship, it is good if a person love u rather than we love that person... ape pun, me n suzi doakan moga peja n mr. H bahagia sampailah ke jijang pelamin.. aminnnnn... :)... peja n suzi off from my home around 7.30pm... thanks girls... i really happy to have you around... hope that we could meet again.. perhaps for dinner or lunch this time... :)... muahhss.. friends forever ya!! love u.... wasalam...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Busy.. Busy.... Ciannya dia...

assalamulaikum... yesterday was a busy day for my hubby... starting from 6.45am, he send his 2 nieces, tasya n jiha to subang... then, he rush back home as he need to accompany abah to the work shop due to my car window got cracked... then, he rest for 10 minutes before rushing to office... in the evening, he back home at 7pm... without resting, he quickly followed abah again to workshop as my car is ready... once arrived home, he quickly prepare for badminton game in cheras... he back home at 11pm and took his dinner - nasi putih ngan sup tulang... he surfed the net for 15 minutes before off to bed... baru baring 10 minutes, terus dengkur... alahaii, ciannya dia... tak pe la sayang.. sabo aje kay.. kan this week is a long weekend... jumaat cuti umum... so bole repay your sleeping time... :)... i love you forever.... muahhss... wasalam

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A short night babysitting Tasya & Jiha

assalamualaikum... yesterday, 22 feb 2010 morning, my day started like normal... lepas subuh sambung tido... then, around 7.30am, wake up my lovely hubby... macam biasa, i will prepare breakfast for him.. the menu is air teh o manis ngan pau kacang merah.. i start my "housewife" life for 3 months again as i'm doing my iui procedureon 21 feb 2010... this round, i will make sure i will take extra cautions... minta2 lah ade +ve sign this time... insyallah.. aminnn... however, in the afternoon, i got a shocking news.. zam's sister in law was admitted emergency in the University Hospital (UH)... she suffered severe pain around the stomach... what i remember, she got stone in the gall... not to sure in which stage she is at now... she did try using traditional medication last year in kedah... may be everyone think that it has been cured... anyway, i always pray for her good health... so pity of her as currently she is pregnant for 2 months... nielah org kata dugaan kot... last night, after worked, zam went to visit her... i felt sorry as i cann't go as i need to be quarantine till next monday for blood check up... a bit surprise when zam told me that he will bring back his two nieces, tasya, 7 years old and jiha, 3 years old to our house as no one could babysit them that nite... soo pity... i m soooo happy.. to me, because they not only cute with their on way but also sweet... tak pe la.. since la nie tak ade anak sendiri, pinjam anak sedara kejap pun pun ok la tu... around 11pm, they arrived home with zam... my first impression, since it already late night, surely both of them already felt sleepy... i did ask my servant, suzie to get ready their bed before they arrive... as soon as they entered the house, i could heard they voices although to them, they are whispering to zam.. pak njang nape nie?? pak njang nape tu?? hishh... byknya soalan... zam pun dah lack of idea nak jawap semua pertanyaan.. he he he.. while waiting for zam to have his late dinner, the youngest, jiha came to me and ask me... "mak anjang, ade pencel clour tak??" lerrr budak nie ade hati nak main lagi ke... hishh!!!... i did persuade them to go to bed.. tapi biasa la kurang berpengalaman.. so dia org tak makan lah saman... he he he... i try other way by giving tasya and jiha milo.. hoping, it can make them feel sleepy... but they more energetic... alamak!!! haiyooo... they even getting talkative... before go to bed, they are the one who teach me on how to prepare milk bottle for them.. hehehhe... malunyaaaaaa.. he he he... at almost 12.30pm, me n zam having dilemma either the kids to sleep with us or with suzie... at last, we decided to move the matters to our room... the room become so "crammed".... zam slept with jiha at the behind room.. i slept with the eldest, tasya on the bed... suka la tasya... cause air-cond kena dia... adik dpt kipas aje and sikit aje udara air-cond... tido ngan tasya nie bole tahan dak... i got karate from her all night... tu tak masuk dengkur dia lagi... sebijik macam pak njang dia... terer gak si tasya nie.. he he he... on the next morning, it is easy to wake tasya up especially at 5.45am.. just calling her name twice, she wake up and take shower by herself... however, the sister, jiha, emm.. ade susah sikit laa... zam is having a bit trouble... jiha can't open her eye cause she is sooo sleepy... one funny thing when my hubby told her... "adik kata tak mo nangis kan semalam?? nape nagis nie??".. he he he.. kesian kat dia pun ade... but what to do, she need to go to the kindergarten... she look so cute at that time... i really wish that if i could have a child now... i will love and care my own child with fruitful happiness...
at 6.45am, i followed zam sending them to subang as their dad is waiting to sent them to school... terasa macam hantar anak ke sekolah lak... how sweett... :)....
wasalam n take care...

Monday, February 22, 2010

IUI again - 21 Feb 2010

assalamualaikum... again, on 21 Feb 2010, i'm going through the Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI) procedure at 9.30am at MAC, HUKM... alhamdulillah everything goes well.. my stomach feeling blotted and full... may be the eggs is hatch... eowwww... so pain full... i really pray hard on this... hopefully this round is successful... sometime i did pity my hubby too.. not only because of the costing, but also the stress that he had to go through... lagi2 bila masuk "bilik berkat" to get his sample... hehehe.. sorry to say the environment in that room is not so pleasent.. my hubby say.. "tak bole nak concentrate laa... dengar org batuk laa... dengar org jalan la... hishh"... he he he... cian diaaa... ape pun, yesterday, he managed to get the sample from home.. so taklah pressure sangat... once sample ready, we need to rush to the hospital as the sample only last for 30 minute... syukurlah, semuanya ok... insyallah on this 1 march 2010, i need to take blood for beta hcg... if confirm that i'm pregnant, doc will give me injection and admit me... tolong doakan ya.. semoga semua berjaya.. ya allah, selamatkanlah keluargaku.. berilah aku zuriat yang sempurana, sehat dan comel... ya allah, kabulkanlah permintaan.. aminn.. wasalam.. :)

mini reunion - 20 Feb 2010

that night, we had a memorable and enjoyable night... thanks to mas and faisal for being a such a good organizer... not to forget.. thank you so much for the great dinner... next time it will on us pulak ya... :).. i believe everyone - ida, bah, mas, faisal and me are so happy especially when we try to recall our old time story... masa zaman menjadi muda2 dulu ewahh..... emm, tak sangka dah more than 10 year we did not met (except mas n faisal as we having the same fertility doc)... wowow, that's longgg... at first, we did plan to meet up for dinner on the 21 Feb. however, last minute, i need to cancel as i am going for my iui procedure on that day... may be mas is pity with me... so she did make an effort to replan the gathering on 2o feb... alhamdulillah bah n ida were ok with the new plan... we all meet up at al-rawsha restaurant at jalan damai at 8.30pm... mas came with her loving hubby, faisal.. bah came with her 2 pretty daughters... bah's hubby only came later as he has a game to watch... then, ida came with her small hero.. i came with my caring hubby... only memeq and her fiance could not make it as they have something to attend to... we ordered "lamb mandy" family size (something like beriyani.. only the rice is more prosperous.. sedap tau).. the food was good... sampaikan nak abiskan nasik pun terkial2... we all did have a great night!! we chat.. we laugh...only a bit sad when we suddenly think of suraini and zainah... kat mana la dia org nie sekarang?? we all really lost contact with them.. next aim is to find them... but where n how... haiyoooo.... jejak kasih pulak ke?? he he he... guys... sorry ya pic yg kite amik segroup tak menjadi cause pak arab lupa tekan CLICK.. ape la... :).. bikin rosak ana punye programme laa... anyway, take care all.. hope we could met again soon.. miss u girls so much!! before i end, to:-
  • mas & faisal - stay "sweet couple" forever... hopefully with the "work hard" in this fertility complication, it may show us the +ve sign soon... insyallah.. aminnn...
  • bah - senantiasa maintain lawa and kurus dari dulu walaupun with 2 daughters.. MESTILAH..... bagi tips nak kurus leh??... :)
  • ida - still remain the same - cute n sweet mama... :) ... bak kata org tue2, tak makan zaman.. nie bole la berguru tip kecantikkan nie... he he he...

Saturday, February 6, 2010

hari ku

assalamulaikum... hari nie hari sabtu.. rasanya masa berjalan terlalu lah cepat... rasanya belum buat ap2 dah nak dekat abis satu hari... nasib baik tadi, me n zam sempat teman abah gi kedai beli dvd player before... wah!! siap abah beli 2 sets lagi.. satu nak bubuh kat hall umah... satu lagi nak taruk kat umah di jb... fush!! eager tul abah nie...  sempat lagi usha abah beli flat screen.. TBD... to be discuss later... he he he... lunch tadi masakkan tuk abah n zam meehon singapore ngan telur dadar potong halus... macam biasa, lepas lunch ikuat zam pi opis sat cause dia nak abiskan project dia lagi sikit... alahai.. jadi penunggu opis dia la petang nie.. hehehe... tapi yg tensen sikit, comp yg kite guna nie, alahaiii "gronggeng" sikit... lembab bila buka certain2 website.. cittt... sabo aje la nie... alahaii.. nape la idea dah makin kurang nie... hishh... may be cause tengah tulis nie, zam bukak lagu from computer dia.. memula tak perasan lagu ape.. kite pun main nyanyi la.. sekali.... rupanye lagu raye... lerrr abg oittt minggu depan raye cino la sayang bukan raye melayu.. hishh.. hubby ku dah konpius nie... hehhehee malam nie nak makan satay... okey la.. that's all... nak gi "pomen" website yg tak leh buka nie.. hishh... geramnyaaaaa... take care.. adios