
A girl that deep love and passion with cooking, taking photos, writing blog, reading and chatting in facebook... Without learning from mistake, I will never be who I am now... Just relax and enjoy reading my blog... :)...

Love you allz always... Muahhhss

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A short night babysitting Tasya & Jiha

assalamualaikum... yesterday, 22 feb 2010 morning, my day started like normal... lepas subuh sambung tido... then, around 7.30am, wake up my lovely hubby... macam biasa, i will prepare breakfast for him.. the menu is air teh o manis ngan pau kacang merah.. i start my "housewife" life for 3 months again as i'm doing my iui procedureon 21 feb 2010... this round, i will make sure i will take extra cautions... minta2 lah ade +ve sign this time... insyallah.. aminnn... however, in the afternoon, i got a shocking news.. zam's sister in law was admitted emergency in the University Hospital (UH)... she suffered severe pain around the stomach... what i remember, she got stone in the gall... not to sure in which stage she is at now... she did try using traditional medication last year in kedah... may be everyone think that it has been cured... anyway, i always pray for her good health... so pity of her as currently she is pregnant for 2 months... nielah org kata dugaan kot... last night, after worked, zam went to visit her... i felt sorry as i cann't go as i need to be quarantine till next monday for blood check up... a bit surprise when zam told me that he will bring back his two nieces, tasya, 7 years old and jiha, 3 years old to our house as no one could babysit them that nite... soo pity... i m soooo happy.. to me, because they not only cute with their on way but also sweet... tak pe la.. since la nie tak ade anak sendiri, pinjam anak sedara kejap pun pun ok la tu... around 11pm, they arrived home with zam... my first impression, since it already late night, surely both of them already felt sleepy... i did ask my servant, suzie to get ready their bed before they arrive... as soon as they entered the house, i could heard they voices although to them, they are whispering to zam.. pak njang nape nie?? pak njang nape tu?? hishh... byknya soalan... zam pun dah lack of idea nak jawap semua pertanyaan.. he he he.. while waiting for zam to have his late dinner, the youngest, jiha came to me and ask me... "mak anjang, ade pencel clour tak??" lerrr budak nie ade hati nak main lagi ke... hishh!!!... i did persuade them to go to bed.. tapi biasa la kurang berpengalaman.. so dia org tak makan lah saman... he he he... i try other way by giving tasya and jiha milo.. hoping, it can make them feel sleepy... but they more energetic... alamak!!! haiyooo... they even getting talkative... before go to bed, they are the one who teach me on how to prepare milk bottle for them.. hehehhe... malunyaaaaaa.. he he he... at almost 12.30pm, me n zam having dilemma either the kids to sleep with us or with suzie... at last, we decided to move the matters to our room... the room become so "crammed".... zam slept with jiha at the behind room.. i slept with the eldest, tasya on the bed... suka la tasya... cause air-cond kena dia... adik dpt kipas aje and sikit aje udara air-cond... tido ngan tasya nie bole tahan dak... i got karate from her all night... tu tak masuk dengkur dia lagi... sebijik macam pak njang dia... terer gak si tasya nie.. he he he... on the next morning, it is easy to wake tasya up especially at 5.45am.. just calling her name twice, she wake up and take shower by herself... however, the sister, jiha, emm.. ade susah sikit laa... zam is having a bit trouble... jiha can't open her eye cause she is sooo sleepy... one funny thing when my hubby told her... "adik kata tak mo nangis kan semalam?? nape nagis nie??".. he he he.. kesian kat dia pun ade... but what to do, she need to go to the kindergarten... she look so cute at that time... i really wish that if i could have a child now... i will love and care my own child with fruitful happiness...
at 6.45am, i followed zam sending them to subang as their dad is waiting to sent them to school... terasa macam hantar anak ke sekolah lak... how sweett... :)....
wasalam n take care...


  1. hahha..takpe beb , at least berpengalaman nak jaga the kids. milo?ohoo..bebenda manis jangan di beri sebelum tido.sugar high=active la diorg=tak tido..:)

  2. lerr.. iye ke?? hishh... thanks babe for the tips... aku tahan gelak bila dia org yg ajar buat susu... maluuu.. apae2 pun, nie byk kena guru ngan ko kalu aku dah confirm pregnant... tq sifu ku... :)
