
A girl that deep love and passion with cooking, taking photos, writing blog, reading and chatting in facebook... Without learning from mistake, I will never be who I am now... Just relax and enjoy reading my blog... :)...

Love you allz always... Muahhhss

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Visit from Peja n Suzi... 26 Feb 2010

assalamulaikum... semalam terima kunjungan hormat dr cik peja n cik suzi.. asalnya plan nak sampai kul 3pm.. tunggu punye tunggu member ku nie sesat... hehehe... lerrr... ciannya... memula kul 3.45pm tu ade call suzi.. tanye kat dia " kau ok ke? tahu jln umah aku tak?" confidentally dia jawab.. "ingat.... dah nak sampai nie lagi 10 minute.. ".. then, dah lebih 10 minute, ade kul 30 minit later, peja call.. "kami kat jalan kenanga.. umah lisa mana yek?? ".. lerrr pilot sesatttt... ciannyee kawan2 ku nie.. nasib baik, dia tahu landmark umah kat tudor court n flat pkns.. so, selamat lah dia org tiba kul 4.30pm... the 2 cute ladies.. peja & suzi... menu hidangan petang is mee goreng (beli kat kedai mat sri wangsa), otak2 goreng n keropok ikan.. awal2 dah sound kat kat the 2 dara's yang kite tak masak cause masak simple tu family aje (menu family - kari sardin, telur dadar n pedal goreng)... alhamdulillah, they enjoyed the food... selain, agenda makan, we chat a lot of things.. sebelum makan tu, suzi tunjukkan gambar yg dia n peja jadi model tuk baju collection from our officemate, john paris.. wowow lawa sangat.. baju ala2 camelia laa.... memang class gitu!!! suzi bilang cost satu dress above RM2,000.00.. huhh!! bak kata kawan zam.. sempat gak telan air liur sat.. hehehehe... mahal tapi memang exclusive.. rasanye vip2 ok kot.. macam kite nie, kalu nak pakai pun tunggu event yg betul2 grand... kalu nak pakai tuk majlis org kawen pun, kena make sure wedding tu kat hotel 5 star above.. dewan2 or rumah tak main laa... wahlaa... nielah pic en paris, the "future" famous designer... masa makan tu, one of the things we share is about our office life.. biasa la kan, makan keje yg tak ade keje... one of my friends always say to me, if there is no more job to be done in the office, it means that it is you last day at work... :)... he he he... betul gak... selain, hal keje, hal officemate satu lagi pulak... ade 1001 ragam... cuba macam mana kite terima n handle people attitude is important... in other words, jgn carik gaduh sudah... we must try to be gentle first.. however, if the situation worse, just try to settle step by step... i think u know what i mean kan??? :)... ok, let put aside cite pasal keje... selain tu, kite cite pasal sihir2 and org terkena buatan... memang tak dinafikan benda2 nie wujud.. cuma kite sebagai umat islam kena senantiasa berdoa pada allah swt supaya kite dilindungi dr syaitan dan anasir2 jahat dan juga syikir... emm, tak mo la comment much on this.. frankly, i'm not good in talking about this... what i can share is a few years ago, something mystic
had happenned to my family.... my late mom has to suffer all the pain till her last breath... who did it?? hanya allah yang mengetahui... ape pun, i believed that allah lebih menyanyangi dia.. biarlah org buat kite, satu hari nanti akan dapat pembalasan org itu dari allah swt... insyallah...
however, the most interesting topic that we discussed is about peja's friend... just name him with mr. H... he he he... this part is where my hubby pulak jadi kauseling pada peja.. what we observed, mr. h likes peja but peja suka2 malu pulak.. hish... budak nie jual mahal pulak... hopefully, with the help from my hubby on his advise, their relation getting sweet each day... peja, just for for it... try to accept him.. i know it takes time for the love to come but don't giveup ya... i agreed when in a relationship, it is good if a person love u rather than we love that person... ape pun, me n suzi doakan moga peja n mr. H bahagia sampailah ke jijang pelamin.. aminnnnn... :)... peja n suzi off from my home around 7.30pm... thanks girls... i really happy to have you around... hope that we could meet again.. perhaps for dinner or lunch this time... :)... muahhss.. friends forever ya!! love u.... wasalam...


  1. alamak baju tu utk 5star je ke??? tak leh ah buat kat dewan ni lisa hahahha tapi malam nanti i jampi peja syok kat Mr.H eheheh kat Wau Bulan tu i jampi bagi hilang hahahah lain kali tak mau mee beli nak mee buat :D (demand lak) tapi hari tu kami pun seronok lepak kat uma lisa.. selain dapat minum air merah dan special air kotak, dapat sembang2 seronotttt...

  2. ala suzi.. don't worry la.. ko punye mesti tempat 5.3 star.. :)... pasal peja tu, ko jgn jampi aje.. bubuh serapah semua tau.. biar dia mabuk kepayang.. la nie pun dah diawang-awangan.. cuma dia control ajeeeee... pasal mee pulak, no hal.. sebut aje mee pe ko nak, aku masak special tuk ko.. MEE MAGGI.. he he he... i'm happy u two around... kalu nak tido sini pun bolee... :)...

  3. Offer tidoq kat rumah you...haiii nakk sesangattt...:)
