
A girl that deep love and passion with cooking, taking photos, writing blog, reading and chatting in facebook... Without learning from mistake, I will never be who I am now... Just relax and enjoy reading my blog... :)...

Love you allz always... Muahhhss

Monday, March 1, 2010

A short day in HUKM

assalamualaikum... my day today start with my trip to HUKM... arrived there around 10am.. hubby drop me at the front enterance near MAC... wah!! parking dah penuh masa tu.. need to wait for hubby around 30 minutes... tapi thanks god tak kena park kat area stadium.. kalu dak, cian zam kena menapak jauh dlm cuaca panas... after gotten the letter to proceed on Beta HCG test, i went to O & G clinic.. fuyooo ramainya ibu2 mengandung... ade perut kecik.. ade perut besar n may be dah sarat kot... frankly, i love to see pregnant mom.. why?? to me, they look sweet and beautiful... the more bigger their stomach, the more gloomy their faces.. i also imagine if i am in their shoes... sure look sexy... hehhe.. dah la masa tu sure kena jalan slow with perut maju ke depan.. then, pakai pulak baju pregnant lawa2... masa tu, hubby kite pun mesti extra caring on us... i wish one day i can feel this moment again.. insyallah the time will come again... allah maha mengetahui... :)... ingat lagi masa pregnant in year 2008... although i only managed to pregnant till 5 months, i 'm happy and thankful to allah swt cause giving me chance to have that precious n wonderful moment as a monther to be... every second and minute i put my priority to the baby in my stomach... ape pun, allah lebih menyayangi dia... insyallah... bila ade rezeki nanti, bolelah rasa sekali lagi the moment of pregnancy... eeee... i really cann't wait... ya allah, berilah aku zuriat yang sempurna, sehat dan comel.... aminnn... ok, back to my story at the O & G clinic... when my name was called to the test payment (cost only RM5... murahnyaaa), some patients were a bit shock... mana taknya, kerani tu panggil "Puan Saiful" and terus senyum sinis.... lerr, saya tulen la bang!!! lepas tu, terus gi makmal to do the test.. aduh, sakitnya bila tukang amik darah tu tak jumpa vain kat lengan kite... siap dia gerudi laa.. ngan muka tak malunya... "aduhh!! sakitnyaaa"... terus dia kata kite try kat area bawah tgn pulak la... alhamdulillah berjaya pun dapat my darah... tapi sakitnya jgn cakap macam kena gigit 20 semut api... may be cause the nurse tak pro in taking blood... hishh.. sabo aje la... anyway, i'm happy with the service in O & G clinic... to me, the service there is much better than the service at level 7 private wings... although O & G clinic is under government service that need to serve many patient with different attitude, they still can managed the crowd well without showing any bad emotions... tak macam kat private wings where most of the nurses kepala angin... after the blood test, i went up to level 7 to make my doc appointment.. ingat better go personally rather than call... kite nie tanye la kat satu malay nurse nie elok2... rupanye dah la dia malas... just imagine nak carik doctor appointment book pun terkial2... tu belum lagi suruh dia check bila available... this is not only one nurse ya.. mostly the malay nurse yg duduk kat kaunter pendaftaran semuanya suka berborak, menggatal and main handphone aje... etika keje langsung tak ade.. hish!! buat malu aje... nasib baik la ade satu indian nurse nie.. very professional and helpful.... betul dr. mahathir kata "melayu mudah lupa... " i need to be in the hospital again tomorrow for my followup result... if it is +ve, i need to take another injection every weekly to make my ovum strong... hope everything will be fine tomorrow... pray for me ya... ya allah, murahkanlah rezeki kami.. berilah kami zuriat ya allah... aminnn... wasalam and take care

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